The Lower Sierra, Choix, Sinaloa.
Choix is truly the gateway to the northern Sinaloan sierra, its the last post before the big mountains and a place of tough traditions and people.
Founded in 1605 by the Jesuit priest Cristóbal Villalta, in recent years, thanks to Huites Lake its becoming a tourist destination,
You can go to several old mines, the House of culture and its small but interesting museum where you can find archeology, local art and old pictures relevant to the town.
You can also go to the thermal springs at Chuchaca and Apuche. And of course, Presa Luis Donaldo Colosio. Better known as Lake Huites.
There you can find giant bass, an amazing array of birds and views that can be hard to describe.
Etiquetas: Choix, Sinaloa., The Lower Sierra