miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

Across a big river and up a big mountain; The tale of La Ruta de la Independencia Part 5

And then, on the last day, we rode ...

And rode ...

And rode ...

And rode ...

And finally, Success !!!

Basaseachi Falls, all 650+ feet of it ..

The dirt road up to Basaseachi was very nice, for me one of the best in the whole area, its being paved with maybe 20% ready, i have mixed feelings about the improvement, i think i will be good for the communities, specialy during the harsh winters, but i cant stop feeling that we are losing one of the ´Great Ones´

Yecora at Dusk, sadly the end of the big group. From there we took the road back to our hometown.

The Official Route Map, not the most detailed map, but its good to give you and idea of the B route.

This trip, with more than 60 cars, was very different from what I am used to, I think that the way we divided the group was a good thing, and made everything more manageable.

Despite the problems at the Chinipas river crossing, I still think that Mid September its the best date to visit the Sierra in a 4x4, with the rains making for a nice expedition feeling to it, I hope you enjoyed the photos and will be waiting for your comments.



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